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Acupuncture is a 3000-year-old therapy rooted in Chinese Medicine. It is the insertion of thin needles into various locations around the body to stimulate its natural ability to heal itself.
Our body is comprised of various meridians (networks, lines) that have an array of points, by activating these you unlock their functions. In ancient times warriors would return home with arrows in their foot and notice that their neck pain suddenly improved - this is how the meridians connect throughout the body. Western science believes that these points may stimulate the central nervous system, creating biochemical changes which promote physical and mental well-being.
An acupuncture treatment will consist of a thorough in-depth discussion about your personal health goals. Various questions about your lifestyle, sleeping habits, diet and digestion (just to name a few) will be discussed. Often these questions can seem strange and unrelated, yet they are crucial for your practitioner to discover where your imbalances lay. Your practitioner will assess your tongue and read your pulse (they didn’t have blood tests or ultrasounds in ancient China!). She will devise a relevant CM diagnosis, insert acupuncture points uniquely to you and then you will be able to rest into a relaxed state.
Acupuncture can be used to treat the following conditions (but not limited to):
General tune ups
Stress relief
(Men & Women)Menstrual disorders
Hormonal conditions
Caterina may also incorporate other Chinese Medicine techniques such as cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, massage or patented herbal formulas into your treatment.
Initial Consultation
90 mins | $160
Follow Up Consultation
60 mins | $110
*Private health rebates available